This Register of Deed's office is responsible for all the real estate records for properties located in Dodge County Nebraska. Permanent records of deeds, mortgages and other various real estate records are recorded/filed in this office and available on-line.

The yellow box to the left ( Parcel ID Cards ) provides an address, picture, and a very brief legal description that you will need to look up information. Under 'sales history' it may also provide the document number of the last deed.

On Line Data provides an index and document images since the early 1800's.

Click on the yellow box (On Line Data) to the right of Carol's picture. If you have an account, enter in your user word and password. If you do not have an account you will need to click on the word 'register' in the lower right hand corner to create a temporary user word and password and use your credit card to set up the account for charging. Write down the user word and password.The fees are $5.00 user charge. Then $1.00 per legal search and $1.00 per document. No charge for name search (until you open a document) and no charge for tract index book (for research prior to 1998.)

You may also look at the yellow box to the left under the address or owner's name for the document number (or book and page) of the last deed if it is after 1998. Write it down and then click on document number and enter the 9 digit number under document # tab. The other option is to use the name search field.

If you have any questions please call our office 402-727-2736.

If you are retrieving an older copy that does not appear, email us the book and page and type of document and we will email the image to you. Feel free to email us with your questions or phone number if you need our assistance..

Copyright 2013.Audio Video Service

Carol Givens

Register of Deeds
Dodge County. NE

Dodge County Register of Deeds
Fremont, Nebraska

435 North Park Room 201
Fremont, NE 68025

State your question and e-mail address on voice mail. ( phone number is recorded )



This page last modified on Novmber, 24 2023